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5 Cozy Warm painting colors for your home

· Interior Design

Since the beginning of the human race, colors have their own impacts on our minds. Later we started using colors to alert or warn others, share joy and feelings, and even to communicate. But now, the significance of colors has become more impactful in our lives in many ways.

Researchers confirmed that different colors have different effects on our lives; colors can give hope, colors can make our moods go up and down, and some colors also have their effects on our health. Now, if you have faith in Astrology, you may see colors from another perspective.

As winter is approaching, and if you are planning to renovate your home with some cozy warm colors for your walls, you can ask the interior designers in Kolkata for some innovative ideas and samples.

Some Intense Shades of Yellow:

The color yellow has hundreds of shades between lighter and deeper. These days, Mustard Yellow, Buttery Yellow, Golden Yellow, and Sunflower Yellow are trending on the charts. Yellow signifies warmth with utmost coziness and represents the Sun, Hope, and New Beginning.

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You can apply the lighter shades in your study room and bedroom, while the darker shades in the living room and kitchen. For most of the zodiac signs, yellow is considered very lucky.

Go All the Way with Red:

Red is a very rich and progressive color with its own dimensions. The Rich Red, Fiery Red, Clay Red, and Rustic Red are the most favored. Red, you may think, is a little too harsh over your walls, but with hundreds of available shades, you will find the most suitable ones for your walls.

The color red is not only associated with danger or alert systems; it also stands for love and power. So, red could be the perfect color for your office, study, and bedroom walls.

A Dash of Pink in Every Wall:

Many consider Pink to be feminine, but Pink is a pretty powerful color with massive impacts over our minds. Pink is not only a warm color, it also gives us comfort for our minds and brain. It can also become your favorite alternative to red.

These days, Subtle Pink and Soft Pink are the two most popular shades people choosing for their living rooms and bedrooms.

Add the Brightness of Orange:

Orange signifies the Sunrise and Sunset. So, the bright shades of Orange will be perfect for your study and office, while the lighter and heavier shades will make your bedroom and living room filled with more energy.

These days, Autumn Orange, Sky Orange, Blood Orange, Marigold Orange, and Pumpkin Orange have become the most popular shades of Orange. Apart from that, several hundred other shades of Orange are available for you to embrace the warmth and brightness of this color.

Fill Every Wall With Brown:

Brown is considered an underdog in terms of warm colors, but it has its own coziness to offer. Brown is often considered as a Neutral color as it can go almost with any other color, but when it goes solo on the walls, it has its own majestic power to flood our minds. These days, Chocolate Brown, Latte Brown, and Dark Espresso Brown are making most of the walls brighter for every room.

Sometimes, just applying colors to the walls is not enough, and the interior designers in Kolkata also know about it. This is why, if you ask them, you will get full-on coverage of renovation and get sublime walls to live and grow.

Zad Interiors, Kolkata

Address: 6B, Gobinda Auddy Road, Chetla, Kolkata

Phone: +918777291785